Taxi Advertisements in Watley's End

Taxi Advertisements in Watley's End

Taxi advertising is an affordable and popular option with many, offering great return on investment and lots of different options. For more information, drop us a message today.

Costs of Taxi Adverts in Watley's End

Costs of Taxi Adverts in Watley's End

Different factors can affect the costs of advertising on taxis, including location, length of cycle and number of vehicles. For more information contact us today.

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Taxi Advertising in Watley's End

Taxi advertising is popular across the UK with a range of industries as a cost-effective and proven form of advertising. 

Advertising your brand, product or service on, or in a taxi, allows you to cover a large area in terms of geographical location and it can also reach a mass audience of people in a short time.  Taxis are a key part of the transport mix and are designed to be easily seen so that they can be hailed quickly and easily. Black cabs already stand out from other vehicles on the road due to their shape and size, but a taxi wrapped in an advertising message stands out even further from others in a rank, queue or just in traffic.

Quirky, eye-catching and popular, taxis are a great way to advertise brands, products and services and we can arrange taxi and black cab marketing to promote your business.

Contact us today for more information on taxi advertising and find out how it can work for your company. 

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What is Taxi Advertising?

The term ‘Taxi Advertising’ primarily refers to wrapping the exterior of a taxi in an advert, to change its appearance and make it the transport equivalent of a driving billboard! The wrapping can take the form of just external advertising boards across the bonnet, doors or boot, or be a whole wrap that covers the car. Normally made of vinyl, these are printed with your advert specially designed on them and then applied directly across the paintwork and cut to allow the doors, windows, mirrors and all functions to still work.

When done correctly and creatively the results of taxi advertising is often a bold and eye-catching campaign that really makes the vehicle stand out amongst other vehicles.

Other taxi advertising options also include the use of posters on the back of the seats and on walls inside the taxis, as well as in-cab digital screen marketing where these are fitted on the back of seats. Newer taxi advertising options include the ability to directly send taxi users messages to their mobile devices (in 4G-capability vehicles) and the branding of receipts given by taxi drivers.

In most cases, advertising within and upon a taxi can only happen for those fully registered with the relevant local authorities – so companies such as Uber and Lyft are exempt and do not allow such marketing opportunities.

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Benefits of Taxi Advertising

Household names across the globe use taxi advertising to promote their products. The main benefits of taxi advertising include: 

  • Mass marketing - taxis aren’t the most popular form of transport, but they’re seen everywhere – and even those who don’t use them see them out and about. This allows your taxi advertising to be seen by tens of thousands of people, without you paying per click-through, impression or per TV second. Taxi advertising i’s a marketing medium that achieves mass results but without the hefty cost.
  • Stand-Out - a taxi or a black cab in a queue or in traffic, doesn’t do much to stand out, however, a wrapped taxi catches the eye and the cleverer the taxi advertising, the longer it will linger. 
  • Premium spend method - taxis are rarely cheap but are used by a wide variety of people. Those using taxis are often forking out for a premium spend that they wouldn’t normally, so communicating branding to your audience while they’re making purchasing decisions and are willing to spend money is a powerful time to communicate. 
  • Key area presence - taxis naturally target areas of high footfall – train and bus stations, busy commercial areas etc. Even when returning from a fare, drivers will tend to take main roads and routes to allow them to be seen and, therefore, to pick up more passengers. This means that even where you may find your brand is priced out from advertising on traditional billboards in an area, taxi advertising can still work for you. 
  • Targeting with taxi advertising - most local cabs don’t often drive further afield than the local city or town area, and so you can select to only wrap taxis in areas relevant to you and your brand, or spread them out for a wider message. This allows your brand to best target your desired market and to differentiate your marketing messaging to different audiences where required.
  • Supporting local people - taxi drivers have had it hard as of late, and with fierce competition in the sector and austerity taking hold, are more likely than ever to accept taxi advertising on their vehicle/s as an additional income. You’ll be benefitting their business finances as well as your own: win-win.

taxi advertising

Why Use Taxi Advertising?

There are many benefits to taxi advertising and using local taxi fleets to advertise, they can really bring to life your marketing messages.

It’s a great value option, particularly when you allow our team to negotiate deals for the design, wrapping and placement. It can complement or contrast with your existing outdoor advertising campaigns and if done creatively, can even contribute to it with fresh and unique messaging. The adaptability of taxi advertising allows for a great range of options, meaning there’s something to suit all budgets and tastes. Even the smallest of brands can enjoy a new advertising medium without breaking the bank!

If taxi advertising is not suitable for you, you should consider, follow the links for more information on other forms of vehicle advertising: 

  1. Bus adverts
  2. Truck adverts
  3. Advans
  4. Taxi Screen
  5. Train advertising
  6. Trams adverts

Frequently Asked Questions About Taxi Advertising

  1. We are considering taxi advertising in BS36 1 to promote our business; how much do taxi advertising campaigns cost? Can you also pick one city or can you pick a few” Taxi advertising is a highly successful form of marketing for any company, it is a proven form of outdoor media and is particularly popular in London and other city centres. Often it is used as a wider marketing mix but can be used on its own. When booking your taxi advertising we can book multiple locations – just let us know the preferred one for you. Taxi advertising costs vary on a number of factors, including location, London taxi advertising is often more expensive, and other factors such as the size of fleet and type can affect it. Contact us today and we’ll help you make an impact with your taxi advertising campaign, wherever you want it.
  2. Which companies and brands use taxi advertising? We are a small local company would it work for us?” The beauty of taxi advertising is that it can work for most companies, big or small, as you can choose the number of taxis you want and which area you want them to work in - it can be highly effective for small companies.
  3. "How much does it cost to advertise on a taxi?" It varies on location, length of cycle and how many taxis you want to advertise on, drop us a line for more information and free quotes on taxi advertising for your brand or product.  

Contact Us

Many don’t consider taxi advertising when they think of extending their marketing mix creatively, but the opportunities are vast. The Billboard Advertising UK Team can help advise, negotiate, design and create a taxi campaign bespoke to you whether local or a London taxi advertising campaign.

Simply fill in the enquiry form to contact us today and let's get the wheels in motion.

We look forward to hearing from you. 

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